Master the Art of Software Development


Why our clients come to us?

Reduce third party dependency

“Our company needs to be capable of maintaining and extending the software. We want to reduce the number of consultants to save costs”

Gain competitive advantage

“We realise that software is essential to our business, we want to be very capable in software development”

Retain and attract talents

“We are losing the knowledge to maintain our software because of high development talent churn rate”

What We can Do for You

Tactical solutions

We offer a range of practical solutions to upskill in-house talents in becoming more capable of maintaining existing software. This may include coaching, consultations, code reviews and improving testing process.

Strategic solutions

In the same way that a sport coach or personal trainer will help you to achieve your end-goal in fitness, Bitboxx can offer guidance that enables your organisation to master the art of software development that comprises technology, processes, and human factors. 

Nurture a healthy work culture

Experiencing a high churn-rate of development talents within your organisation can be challenging. A high churn-rate means that you are losing the key people that maintain and expand your software, making your business less operationally effective and more vulnerable to risk. 

Talk to us. 

Why us?

Broad skillset

Our experts  are diverse in skills and talents.

Our experts include Swift Developers; DevOps Engineers; Business Analysts; Scrum Masters, and Agile Coaches, comprising of skills such as Python, Java, Javascript, HTML / CSS, and Kotlin.

Leading by example

Software development best practices are integrated into our processes. It is an essential factor in delivering maintainable and extensible software.

In the field, we actively encourage the adoption of best practices to nurture a culture of quality-orientated software development.

On the leading edge

We actively keep up-to-date with advancements in technology and trends in software development.

As our client, you will benefit from our one-step-ahead-approach as we share our knowledge with you, so you can use tech to gain competitive advantage.

Talk to us

Have a question? Want to book a commitment-free discovery appointment? Please fill in the boxes below and press Submit.